Free Trial

Call now for your 7-day FREE trial! Complete the Health History Form or come by, take a tour, and fill it out then. If you are 40 and over, Wellness Today requires a Doctor's release to exercise. WE CAN TAKE CARE OF THAT FOR YOU! Call 771-8010 and let us get you started!

Post-therapy Exercise Program

The Post-therapy Exercise Program is a unique opportunity for patients that have recently completed physical therapy. The program is designed to complement the strength-training and flexibility exercises that were performed in physical therapy while also introducing the patient to new movements that will help them build total-body strength, which will reduce the risk of future injuries.

Our unique gym has all of the equipment that you are accustomed to using within physical therapy, as well as a fully equipped gym. The bridge program is a safe way to transition to a total-body workout while not jeopardizing the progress you have made within physical therapy. While you are in our bridge program, you will get two sessions with one of our Personal Trainers to ensure that you can continue your workouts safely. We encourage you not to lose the progress you have made in therapy by stopping by and trying out a free week.